Pak a.k.a. Sam John

– MC, writer, producer, manager and events coordinator. he also handles bookings, marketing and PR for the crew.

– likes include laughing, health, people, nature, freestyling, babies of all kinds, celebrating life to the max, beats, balance, getting jiggy, compassion and living the GOOD life!

– dislikes include sheisters, enslavement, poisons of all types and bad haircuts.

Wunda a.k.a. Ryan Haynes

– producer, composer, photographer, dj and graphic designer. he is also a very talented scratch turntablist!

– likes include crafting ill-fresh style beats, teaching, guzzling energy drinks and promoting the Peace of Mind Crew to the fullest!


Mel a.k.a. Melanie Ladonga

– female vocalist. she is also an official photographer for the group in CA.

– likes include photography and Dirck Blaskey.

Dirck a.k.a. Dirck Blaskey

– guitarist. he is also the main web technician for the group.

– likes include Mel and collecting/showcasing funky cool t-shirts on his person.

Changer a.k.a. Ryan Chan

– guitarist.

– an accomplished musician who likes shredding ax for hours on-end, working out and hookah.

DJ Kenny K a.k.a. Kenny Kugler

– dj and producer. he is also an extremely talented turntablist/scratch artist.

– likes include his dog Lucy, spinning music, graffiti art, the L.A. Dodgers and medicinal herbals.