wowza! haha, what an unexpected bonanza of a good time this show was! though truth be told, that particular sentiment would not become fully apparent until later in the eve, you see….

i was just getting over the flu and still not feeling so jiggy as i got set to step out the house and into the Hawaiian Brian’s showroom (one of my favorite venues on the island as an artist and performer since their stage and sound-system are just bangin’!) for a featured performance hosted by SUNDAY JAMS HAWAII!

my throat was closing up, i had lost my appetite and a few tech snafu’s had me a lil’ nervous, but oh my goodness would you believe the miracle i needed came through just like that right on time and just when i needed it the most oh yes hallelujah you better believe it! but wait, what’s that you ask? you want to know what it was?! well check it then friends!

hahah it was none other than the POM homeys and homettes oh yes!!

for real! each of you who came to support, who got up and got down on the dance floor, who were hollering back the lyricals, who shared your positive energy and spirit with us?! YOU ALL ROCK! (especially you, the super nice korean lady who hooked me up with hot green tea and saved my throat/voice! i loves you!)

i was super blown away and madly uplifted by y’all 😀 and i can hardly wait for the next one because i can hardly wait to once vibe again with YOU! that’s right, real talk, real love.

thanks again for making the night such a special and unforgettable one, my love-bug Joey for filming and just being there for me (especially since it was a laaate night, i love you for sticking by me!), Resa my fav b-girl and official POM breaker, Jason Tom the human beatbox and positive aura homey, Justine for rallying the gang, Alan, Trae, Nathan and Ben for answering that rally call, Jeremy Roske and Liz for performing, Jivatma for dancing, Kt for hooking us up with the kick-ass button, Brett and Chaz for helping on sound, and Duane for hosting and organizing the event! and of course all those i may have forgotten to mention here but who were most definitely there and vibing proper, whether in the physical or in the spirit! much love!!

’til the next one my peeps,

peace and blessings!!

– sam the pakman