“I like how you were just straight up rap, raw hip hop, not trying to be flashy or like those kats all up on techno-y, electronic stuff who just go with the trend or whatever. I like how you’re just a straight up lyricist. And that you’re REAL with it.” – Josh, a new POM fan, conversing with Pakman after the show.

The reason I’m so real with it?! That’s easy…


The real hip hop that is, meaning the culture, the tradition and the lifestyle; also the music, the message and the empowerment hope that it gives and still continues to give people.

A friend of mine after the show told me how much she absolutely loved our music, explaining that she’s not even a fan of hip hop! Not to say that she doesn’t enjoy hip hop music, she just doesn’t much care for the commercialism and the straight up no-holds barred exploitation behind what mainstream hip hop/rap (and in fact, for that matter, almost every other facet of life!) has become. So, to see and hear a truly positive message delivered in such an engaging and fun way?! Well, let’s just say she’s another precious drop of peace of mind water in the hip hop life-bucket of goodness that we all long to keep on drinking from…and we hope you are too 😉

Love, peace, and aloha!

And til’ the next one my friends and fam, may you be well and blessed always!

– Sam the Pakman