how do you cook up an order of live, jive, and oh-so-fresh for the masses hip hop??

well, the recipe’s actually pretty simple really.

you begin by seasoning (1) dope pakman, then, adding (1) fresh sahak, mixing in some dj hi vibes, placing on stage and baking for 2 hours, and voila! you got one solid-style debut tv performance ready to ingest! holla!

peaceofmind: different definition & entertainme! tv hooked up, super late-night style (talking like 2:30 am peeps!) for the shooting of “get fresh” and “immortal”. the tapings went great, albeit a little bit shaky on account of dj hi vibes first-time behind the decks on such a brightly-lit and camera-hot stage, but the performance went down nonetheless solid 🙂

a huge thank you to the crew of entertainme! for all their hard work and dedication and for once again hooking up the opportunity, and big ups to hawaiian brians and supes for hosting!

keep on the look-out for the next one pom-heads! haha, and watch for us on the tel-lie-vision y’all, reppin’ the truth and keepin’ it real! we out! 🙂

one love.

– pakman & the peaceofmind crew